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Each athlete who seeks to get in the maximum shape faces this question sooner or later. As a specialist, I, of course, do not recommend anyone to take steroids. Moreover, I insist on careful use of any potent drugs, even those prescribed by the doctor. On the other hand, athletes can use testosterone replacement therapy if it becomes really necessary. Now, I’ll tell you more about this.

Who can take steroids without a health risk - and who can't?

I do not recommend young guys who just started training to use strong drugs. In the beginning, better try to achieve results in a natural way. If you rely only on substances, you risk of "getting hooked" on them. Unfortunately, easy muscle gain will stop along with steroids. Furthermore, regular training, even in combination with a proper diet, will work worse after you stop taking them. In fact, most feel that they do not work at all.

On the other hand, an experienced athlete can improve his results and shape with the help of such substances. Still, even such a person should do his/her best to take steroids carefully and competently. Keep in mind that in no case should you overdo with doping. In addition, do not forget about proper nutrition, thoughtful physical activity and, if necessary, maintenance therapy (many sooner or later need Synthroid).

What to be afraid of if you take steroids?

In addition to the usual side effects and the psychological effect, which I have already mentioned above, mind some other potentially unpleasant moments. Particularly, the abuse of steroids can significantly spoil the character of an athlete. Inexperienced guys often bring themselves to real rage, especially if they constantly increase the dose of these drugs.

take steroids

However, do not underestimate even more dangerous consequences. In particular, they include real health problems, such as kidney and/or liver failure or a heart attack. Those who take steroids too much (I’d say abuse) may also obtain chronically elevated blood pressure, depress thyroid function (once again, here comes Synthroid therapy), and drop metabolism. Who needs such risks, especially in youth?

Author - Antonio C. Bianco, MD, PhD.